Friday, May 23, 2008

A Court Reporter And Their Brains!

A Court Reporter Has Brains And Much, Much More!

As a practicing court reporter once told me, there is nothing on the planet like the highly skilled court reporter. In the great country of China, court reporters can go on to become judges in their judicial system. Many other countries acknowledge the prowness and mental agility of their court reporters by allowing them to participate in many different venues. What is the good ole USA doing to these very important people that make up our judicial system, fire them and replace them with a worthless technology that produces a far inferior record.

~ The Beagle


A Neuropsychologist’s deposition.

Q. Can you explain what you meant by that last statement?

A. May I give an example of this?

Q. Sure.

A. Okay. If you look -- And the example is this. Our brains are amiracle. Okay. They're a miracle that needs to be protected. And if you look at the court reporter right now, as an example, okay, this is a miracle in progress happening right before your eyes.
Let me just explain what she needs to do. I am speaking, so the information has to come in through her ear into her temporal lobe, and it has to go log itself into the language center. She has to be able to comprehend what I'm saying.

Then it has to get rerouted to the prefrontal cortex where it has to hold -- she has to be able to hold the information, because, you know, I continuously talk so she has to hold it. Right? Then she has to analyze it, integrate it and synthesize it.

Then it has to go back to the cerebellum and she has to be able to execute this, and she has to be able to then convert my words into those little squiggly marks. Have you ever seen court reporters have little squiggly language things?

So she has to convert it into a different language, and the white matter tracks allows her to reroute all of this information simultaneously without effort. Okay.

We take our brains for granted. She's sitting here. I'm probably talking too fast for her, but she's able to do this simultaneously. Seamlessly. Okay. No animal on the planet can do this. All right.

That's why I believe court reporters will never be replaced. Because no technical -- no technology could replace the beauty of that brain and the miracle of that brain. And that's why your brain should always be protected and you should take care of it.

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