Friday, May 30, 2008

"Big Brother" in courtroom

Sure enough, if it can happen it most probably will. Here is a fine example of it has. Another reason that these recording systems violate a lot of civil rights besides being an inferior system.

~ The Beagle

"Big Brother" in courtroom
« on: Today at 03:56:12 AM »
QUEENSLAND police are trying to access recordings of private courtroom conversations between lawyers and their clients to gather additional evidence.Shocked lawyers say the bid, which takes advantage of a new constantly active digital court reporting system, raises serious privacy and confidentiality issues.The Courier-Mail has discovered that police have already been provided with one so-called "passive recording" of a private conversation in a Magistrate's Court last year.According to the Justice Department, another police request is under consideration and relates to a conversation during an adjournment that contained an alleged threat.Attorney-General Kerry Shine immediately ordered a review of the issue, while Queensland Law Society president Megan Mahon said the society, on the face of information available, was "very concerned".Quoted From -,23739,23779630-3102,00.html

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