Saturday, November 8, 2008

National Campaigns For the President of the United States - from a Beagle's view

The campaigns have closed. It is evident from speaking with my Republican (GOP) friends that they felt short changed in the outcome of their candidate. The Democrats are a bit more elated.

Senator McCain certainly would have done himself a lot more good in the eyes of the block of voters who make up the very large sector of people who are neither far right or far left, those folks who are usually called liberal conservatives if they are Republicans and conservative liberals if they are Democrats, if he would have selected a different candidate for his VP nomination. Not that Governor Palin isn't a decent person, please don't think the Beagle thinks otherwise. No, it's just that if he would have selected Mit Romney, a candidate for the nomination of president GOP or Kathleen Sebelius, Governor of the Great State of Kansas, I think he would have had a better opportunity to draw from that portion of the Republicans that more than likely voted Democratic.

I think I can safely say we the voters would have had a much better choice and would have seen a higher profile in the campaign. I was very disappointed to see all the chatter about clothing, shoes, someone's receipt for lunch, someone's fabricated story about anything regarding either candidate.

The voting public deserve better than that. They are the people who diligently pay their hard earned money into the tax base to support all the programs that the federal government provides. It isn't about the one percenters, those folks who are lucky enough to earn more than $250,000 a year. It's about the one's who pay nearly 30 percent in taxes or more. Have children in school, K1 through those formative years in college (where the buck really hits home).

Those people need better choices. Those people need our leaders to make better choices. Our country needs better options to select from. Our country needs to rid itself of the shackles of dissention amongst ourselves.

We simply need to be united so that we as fellow countrymen can put our country back on track and ready for the future.

For all of those who participated by voting in this election, thank you for making the choices you did. For those whose candidate didn't succeed, don't give up. For those whose candidate did succeed, congratulations.

Now comes the hard work ~

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