Sunday, July 13, 2008

National Court Reporters Association - Annual Convention 2008 - San Diego, CA

July 2008 ~ National Court Reporters Association ~ Annual Convention, San Diego, CA

The annual convention for NCRA will be a historic event. It's leadership will be elected via the Internet and it's the only way its members will be able to cast a vote for the candidates who are running for the various offices that are being vacated or perhaps running to retain their seat at the table.

As an interested party in this association, it is clear to me that there are qualified candidates and then those who are perhaps less so qualified. The distinction is somewhat blurred for those who are not necessarily familiar with the candidates.

In reading the various bios and literature that is being bandied about in support of one candidate over another, it is becoming quite clear to me that the candidate that I would possibly vote for will be from a state that has laws on its books to help preserve and protect the profession. If you take the time to read the laws for the states of California and Texas, you will read considerable information about the hard work those states have put into play in helping make this profession viable for the present and into the future. I would suggest that you also look at the laws in the states of the candidates from other states to see how they are governed and how those particular candidates will more likely than not perform at the national level in the interests of the profession.

I will be adding more to this post as thoughts come to me so please follow up and check back as new and interesting information is being posted up for your reading pleasure.

~ The Beagle

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