Sunday, October 26, 2008

Court Reporters - Washington & Oregon Joint Convention Planned for 2009 at Hood River, Oregon


Over the past two weekends, the Oregon and Washington Court Reporters held their fall convention and education seminars. The Oregon reporters selected the beautiful city of Newport, Oregon to host their function; while the Washington reporters went for a strategic location in Tacoma, Washington.

Oregon's convention was well attended, with approximately 80 working court reporters and other associated members and vendors showing up to enjoy the ambiance of the beach community while being provided with multiple educational seminars to choose from to help meet their CEU requirements.

Washington's convention with its jammed packed agenda drew in the neighborhood of 60 members and a great selection of vendors present.

While Oregon's convention seemed more oriented to bringing a sense of fun to the event, Washington's on the other hand was a bit more directed toward legislative issues and a sense of a five-year strategic plan for the future of court reporting in the State of Washington. Both organizations installed their duly elected officers for the coming year.

Both state organizations are working together to bring their conventions into Hood River, Oregon for a joint organizational convention, which is something they put together approximately four years ago with great success.

The planned event is tentatively scheduled for October 2, 3, and 4, 2009 with the event being hosted at the Hood River Best Western Inn.

The Beagle hopes to see you sure to look out for my paw prints :o)

~ the Beagle